Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Opening titles and credits

In films opening credits and titles are very common and can come either integrated or standard.

Some examples of integrated titles are:

Harry Potter:

In the opening we see the title come from behind one of the clouds



The title is in 3rd and when the crow bar goes through the water sprinkler it breaks both the water and title apart

The girl with the dragon tattoo:

The title is submerged in dark liquid we assume is oil


Examples of none integrated titles are:

Pulp Fiction:

A simple opening and the title fades into the background with the rest of the credits appearing as a normal credits.

Jackie Brown:

Similar to Pupl Fiction the opening sees the character move along the shot and the title simply pops onto the screen.

Integrated titles are more complicated and usually can appear behind or in-font of another visual on the screen such as a building or a car. There is no official order in which titles will always show up in a film, recently some motion pictures babe actually not used opening credits and only display the movies title at the closing credits. Films such as the Star Wars franchise don't show opening credits they only show the films title.
The common opening credit order however is still:

  • Name of the studio
  • Name of the production company
  • Possessory credits
  • Starring 
  • Film's title 
  • Featuring 
  • Casting
  • Music
  • Production design 
Other possible credits could involve:

  • Set design 
  • Costumes
  • Hairdresser
  • Make up
  • Sound recording 
  • Visual effects director 


  • Edited by
  • Director of photography 
  • Producer 
  • Based on (true story, book)
  • Writers 
  • Director 

Monday, 1 February 2016

YOUTH script



Max Cochrane

Shooting script


We see the Hammersmith Bridge with dark clouds in the sky, the title of the film slowly appears and then fades.


We see several parts of Hammersmith the station, and the street, random pedestrians that walk by on their day.


Will wakes up slowly, gets dressed places his cap on and then opens his curtains, we see him take a deep sigh then enter his mothers room but before doing so he also grabs his golf bat and golf ball. We can see his mother asleep or passed out in her messy room with an empty bottle of vodka in her hand. Will carefully reaches onto her bedside table and steals a note from it perhaps to also prevent her using it to buy more drink, once he has taken the money he proceeds to exit the house.


We see a few more shots of Hammersmith and then will quickly walking down his road after leaving his home before starting to walk looking mostly on the floor, he doesn't pay much attention to anybody. After a while we see how he is skilled with a golf bat and ball as he begins to do tricks with it and see shots of him playing golf in alley ways hitting them into cups and trying to do tricks with the golf balls, at one point he hits it much harder and manages to knock down one of the pieces of rubble he used as a target as he looks on with pride. We witness him wander around with his golf bat for a while longer before he returns home.


We see Will watching videos of famous golfers and watching them play, as he watches we see him smile showing the audience he wishes to be one on day, as he watches he slowly looks up outside his window, as the scene is coming to an end we hear Wills mother call out his name in anger and him turn around startled and worried as the screen fades to black and the title "YOUTH" appears.